How to live life to the Fullest ?
Personal Development Uncategorized

How to live your life to the fullest ?

You have achieved everything in your life, but still, a sense of void exists. And you are unable to trace it. Do you feel this often? Then you are at the right place.

When we are born, no one tells us how we have to live our lives as Human beings. We are seen as normal happening and introduced to the worldly rut of daily life. We are expected to behave in a certain way to fit in the box of this world.

We are taught how to live in this world as human beings not how to live life as Human beings. 

We follow this path only to realize in the late 30s and 40s something is missing in life. 

Everyone knows how to earn good money, improve their status, and update their next big achievement. Only a few people know how to live their lives to the fullest. 

Today’s blog will walk you through all the missing pieces of Human existence.

But before that let’s understand what it means to live your life to the fullest.

What does it mean to live life to the fullest ?

What does it mean to live your life to the fullest? 

In reality, living life to the fullest is effortless. The secret lies in our day-to-day lives. 

Has it ever happened that you know the answer to some question but the right word is not coming to your mind? Similarly, deep within we know the answer to this question, just that we are not able to identify. Due to a lot of chaos around.

So what does it mean to live life to the fullest? If you are looking for a universal answer to this question, then there is no universal answer to this question. As all humans are unique footprints of Creation. And we all have unique creativity and soul food.

By soul food, I mean things that make you happy that make you feel complete. One that rejuvenate your soul without any reason. We all have that within us and it’s unique for each one of us based on our personality, values, upbringing, likes and dislikes, genetic make  etc.

Living life to the fullest is a unique personal journey for every individual.

It’s about designing your life around things that make you complete. We all are at different stages of growth and clarity. 

Only taking care of your Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Well-being is not enough.

The best key to unfolding your fullest life is to practice self-awareness along with your Holistic well-being. Infusing inspired intentional action regularly will help you achieve your goals further.

Why Humans are not able to live life to the fullest ?

Why Humans are not able to live their life to the fullest? 

In the early days, no humans needed the reminder to live their lives to the fullest. Because those days they were never distracted from their true essence as Human beings. Old traditions and cultures kept them grounded and in sync with the laws of Nature.

In today’s world people are aware of every new technology and human invention. But lack Self-awareness of who we are as Humans?

       So the very 1st culprit is a lack of Self-awareness.

Human species have invented countless advanced technologies through their intellectual capability, but still fail to understand their species. Aren’t we taking our system for granted?

As Sadguru rightly points out “have we even read our Users Manual? 

    • 2nd is Hustle work culture  which leaves no time for people to self-reflect on their journey as humans. They are constantly running on the hamster wheel with no way to take a pause and reflect.

    • Another major reason that refrains people to live their lives to the fullest is excessive use of technology. Like Social media other conveniences create a whole new world of distraction in themselves. Which not only reduces your attention span but deteriorates your emotional well-being too.

    • In the last few years, many people have realized the importance of Mental well-being and how it influences our external world. But despite that, we all tend to be victims of our emotional patterns.This refrains us from living our life to the best.

    • Fear of uncertainty and the Unknown steals the joy of present. Many people do not live their life to the fullest because of the fear of uncertainty they hold on too. But life starts once we learn to face our fears and come out of our comfort zone. Do not turn blind eye to the harsh realities. But embrace them the way they unfold.This approach towards life will go a long way in helping you stay happy and at peace regularly.

    • Lack of true spirituality. Many misunderstand spirituality as being religious and reserve it for old age. Being spiritual is being a seeker of the right knowledge about self and the world around us. For that, you need to spend some time with yourself. Inculcate various spiritual practices and qualities that get you closer to your real self
      Why is it important to live life to the fullest ?

Why is it important to live your life to the fullest?

Psychology expert Michael Gervais ,shares a experience of the in-home caregiver of dying patients Bronnie Ware in this amazing Article 

who learns top 5 regrets of dying patients through her experiences as a home care giver which she shares in her best seller book ‘ Top five regrets of dying patients’ 

It has been noted that more than 80 % of people die with regret in their death bed. The reason is that many of them have not lived a fulfilled life or relationships. 

  What is the use of human life if you have not lived it to the fullest? Research also suggests that people who have some purpose and passion in life live their lives to the fullest. They also live a long life. 

Living your life to the fullest needs good self-awareness to analyze what makes you happy as a human being. What makes you feel complete as a Human being?

It’s never too late. The missing pieces of our life have been in our closer vicinity all this while. You might have known them but due to lack of awareness, you din’t noticed them.

Below are 11 Generic tips that will help you to live your best life.

11 tips to live your life to the fullest 

1.Understanding Human System 

Since our birth, we were all trained to learn how to stand walk, play talk eat, and start going to school. We were trained on how to be in the outside world. But we were never taught how the human system functions 

What are the main components of the human system? We all have unique sets of qualities and conduct and they are influenced by our emotions and various health aspects. We were never trained on how the human mind, emotions, and intelligence function.

 As Sadhguru says, we are operating without knowing our user manual. Hence one must know how humans operate. And this will open the door to one’s Self-awareness.

When your self-awareness increases you learn to handle yourself much better and efficiently.

This awareness relates to everything you know about yourself. Your health, your strength, weakness, your values, your emotions, your inner voice, your beliefs your individuality

Health is Wealth

2 . Health is Wealth 

    We as humans have been blessed with this body to experience life to its fullest but if you don’t take care of yourself how will you live your life to the fullest? We often hear that “ Health is Wealth”, and indeed there is a lot of weight to these words. No matter how cliche these words become they are going to stay ageless forever. So if you are willing to live your life to the fullest then we need to start taking our physical wellbeing seriously

3.Live Intentionally 

   Half of our lives we live in Autopilot only to realize later that an important ingredient of human essence is missing. Create a routine around what matters to you as a Human and your Holistic Wellbeing Apart from your outer reality, one should design an inner reality that guards ones well-being from the harsh world outside. When your inner self is sorted you can conquer any challenges in the outer world. Hence Prioritizing will help you to live life to your best.

4.Do what you love 

When you do what you love. You nourish your soul’s needs. It gives one a sense of fulfillment that no other interesting task can do for you. Every human has diverse choices when it comes to them. Find your soul food and find yourself flowing effortlessly through life.

5.Be your Authentic self always 

One of the regrets mentioned by Bronnie Ware is that Many people live their life to please others or to fit in societal standards. Due to this materialistic rat race 

Half of today’s generation’s problem is that they are not being themselves. They are trying to live others’ lives by depriving their souls of needs. Because they find other’s way of life cooler then their’s. Being your authentic self also represents that you love yourself the way you are. It keeps you close to your inner voice. To be your authentic self learn to listen to your heart. Your uniqueness is will always be the coolest. Regardless of how boring you think about it.

No matter how you feel about yourself right now know that you are the only Hero and Villian of your life. Its up to you whom you chose to be. Being influenced by the outer world or by listening to your heart.

6.Heal yourself 

In this journey of ups and downs, we are often hard on ourselves. And when we are hard on ourselves we learn to live with these unhealed emotions. Which keeps coming up as a pattern until we choose to heal and let them go for better. No path of growth will open until we choose to heal ourselves first. Also, you must be patient with yourself during your healing phase. They are sticky challenges which will keep repeating until we learn to let some patterns go for good. 

      Find your tribe

7. Find your tribe 

We have often heard that humans are social beings. There is no doubt even a person happy in solitude once in a while needs human interaction and meaningful human to human conversations . And the best part is when you find your soul tribe, no other feeling is as elevating as the feeling of companionship. When you meet your soul tribe place doesn’t matter, and luxuries don’t matter. Your tribe gives you the next level of confidence and a feeling of belongingness which elevates your soul.  

8.Imbibe Spiritual qualities 

We all have often heard in many spiritual scriptures to be kind, forgiving, honest, faithful, filled with gratitude and loving each other. There is a deep connection between all these spiritual qualities with our overall Holistic well-being

When these qualities become a part of your value system and your lifestyle they will transform all your relations to the next level of upgrade. Constantly practicing these qualities would raise one’s vibrations and purify one’s soul. 

9. Striking the right balance between the Materialistic and Spiritual world 

No matter how much we deny that we are only human beings, a time comes when we realize a deep connection with our true selves. This is nothing but our realization that deep within we are souls going through human experience. When we realize this truth bomb that’s when our journey to strike a balance between the materialistic and spiritual world starts. Because in between is where the essence of humans living their lives to the fullest starts. 

10.Giving back to Humanity

There comes a time when we have tried all the luxuries of life and fulfilled our desires and still feel the void within. Only to realize that there is no other deeper fulfillment than helping others to grow in their journey. Deep down we all are aware of this but just get carried away with our daily life desires and comforts. Extending your Kindness back to Humanity gives us a sense of long lasting fulfillment which is irreplaceable with any other feeling

    Live in the movement

11. Live in the moment

  If you are not clear on how to live life to the fullest. Then the easiest and the best way to live life to the fullest is to live in the moment. Living each moment as if it’s the last one and the best. Making the best out of these moments no matter how they feel right now they are part of the puzzle pieces that will complete your life

Humans have given a lot of importance to human intelligence and the education system as it helps you survive financially in this world

We are never taught,

How everyone functions differently

What is the mind?,

What is nature of human qualities,?

How human mind functions?

How to handle emotions?

How to navigate through tough life challenges?

How environment affects one’s beliefs and thoughts?

    A few years back even I was among the other everyone . Only following the crowd by improving my social status, flaunting possessions, and Earning Money. But when my first depression hit me. The deadly hole shook up things to a level where I started thinking there was something more to life that had been missing.

When this awareness was build, I started digging more into Personal Development and Spiritual Books for answers

This has tremendously helped me to live my life to the fullest, by helping me understand myself better through others’ stories and experiences.

And finally you start living to the fullest when you realize the real wisdom of life through your daily experiences

Don’t be hard on yourself. You too will find your way to live your life to the fullest. You don’t have to wait until you go through some deeply painful experience. 

You can build your awareness through various spiritual and proven practices backed by science.This will help you know yourself inside out. And help you start living your life to the fullest.

There is no specific time to live your life to the fullest. Enjoy your chaotic journey as it comes. Embrace each ups and downs completely no matter how they make you feel. As you keep learning through your experiences you will find your way. Just the way I found my way to live my life to the fullest.

What are the things that make you feel complete ?

What is that one experience that gives you a lasting sense of fulfillment ?

Do share yours experiences on living life to the fullest. I would be happy to know your unique experiences.