Unlock Creative Potential

10 Holistic Practices that will unlock your Creative Portal


    Are you feeling like some element in your life is missing? 

    Something you know but has faded with time. And this has completely blocked your Creative portal. Then you are at the right place. 

  This blog intends to unlock your Creative portal with  10 Holistic practices that are highly effective if you follow them dedicatedly. 

  These tools can be beneficial to anyone who wishes to express themselves to the best. Be it a student, employee, businessman, homemaker, etc.

   Human beings are the Creative expression of the Creator. Each Human eye sees reality with a different creative lens.

   For generations, creativity has always been part of human activities. It is one innate quality that only Human beings are equipped with. 

  But, Over the years Human creativity has deteriorated due to excessive dependence on technology and daily distractions and stress.

  Human Creativity is innate and for it to flow efficiently in one’s life needs to have a certain flow of pace with a decluttered mind. 

  Before we proceed to find the practices to unlock our creativity let’s understand why creativity is so important to Humans. 


Why is Creativity so important to Humans? 

   If you ask me creativity is my soul-food. Just as we feed our mind and body with its needs for better health. Creativity is food for our souls. They quench our deeper thirst for our unique existence. Which itself makes us a unique creator.

  It is what makes us feel complete as a whole. It is what helps us expand our horizons with our unique creative ideas and solutions.

  It is the way our soul finds its true expression. It is our unique footprint, our Spiritual identity. 


Creativity for Business

Why is Creativity important for Success in life? 

    We all have hidden Creative expressions of the things that we absorb from life logically. It’s just that it comes out differently in everyone. But when that one revolutionary idea takes its own life through you. It helps you grow in life exponentially. 

   Today’s competitive world is where people and businesses are striving to shine uniquely through their own creativity and individual style.

   Having a great sense of unique creativity puts you on a higher pedestal to offer creative solutions then be it in your business as an employee or entrepreneur. Your creativity will stand out if it is worth it.


Humans and AI

Can AI replace the Human Creativity? 

 If there is one thing that will stand the test of time against AI and humans it is Creativity. Human creativity is multi-dimensional. It has no limitations.

  Human creativity constantly keeps evolving. Each human is a creative reservoir for unique creative possibilities. Because we all come from unique genetic software which creates unique possibilities for each individual to thrive individually. 

What is the Relation between Creativity and Spirituality? 

           Just as blood is a fact of your physical body and nothing you invented, creativity is a fact of your spiritual body and nothing that you must invent

                                Julia Cameron 

         Our inner being is already a wellspring of creative potential. Waiting to unfold. There are two ways to reach here. Either through your creative expressions or through spiritual practices.

  Both ways lead you to this. Creativity and Spirituality both need to have faith through the act of surrender. 

  While nurturing both the spiritual and creative sides we need to stay away from logic and let our experiences be the proof and witness to the act of surrendering.

 This way both Creativity and Spirituality are intertwined. They both cater to our spiritual needs and give a sense of deep fulfillment.They can nourish the depths of human Existance.

10 Holistic practices that will unlock your Creative Portal 

Morning Pages

1.Writing Morning pages 

   If you are new to this concept. It is one of the activities recommended by By Julia Cameron in her book “Artist Way”. Her idea behind this practice is to unblock your creativity which resides inside everyone in different forms.

  Writing morning pages is like a mindlessly written rant about what ever comes to your mind. The regular practice unclutters your mind and reconnects you with your divine inner source of creativity one day. 

  Being one of the best seller books this book was on my reading list and the reading did impact me to some extent. But what impacted me more was the experiences shared by people around me which intrigued me to practice this activity.

  I think anyone who has intentionally blocked their creative side due to time constrains or is finding it difficult to bring their creative expression should definitely try this to unleash their Creative portal.

  Remember it is a process of patience and will take time. I would recommend you to read her book first and then practice it.

            Any one who faithfully writes Morning Pages will be led to a connection with a source of wisdom within

                             -Julia Cameron 


Energy Cleansing

2.Energy Cleansing 

  There are various energy healing techniques such as Crystals, Reiki , Sound healing or Pranic healing etc. Energy healing is ancient Holistic practice that helps you balance your energies and remove blockages if any.

  You can give it a try and  see how it helps you. I did try Reiki techniques but since I was not consistent enough I would not be the right person to guide.

  Sound healing has always been one of my favorites though no matter what level of chaos i am, Sound healing like Tibetian Bowl Music sync back all my energies to get going.

  It helps me shut the Noice of my mind and makes me like an empty vessel to invite the inner wisdom. Explore and see what works for you.

3.Meditation and Mindfulness practice 

Both practices be it Meditation or Mindfulness bring your attention to the present and help you declutter your mind. When you are in the present you are in a space where you are open to receiving the inner wisdom 

4.Slow living 

I strongly believe in the potential of Slow living to unlock your creativity. Through the slow pace of life lies a pearl of hidden creative wisdom ready to unfold within the gaps that you live mindfully.

When you live consciously prioritizing only the important tasks you are successful in catching up with the rhythm of slow life .The beauty of slow life is it leaves enough space to open creative portals 

5.Me time

For all those who can’t afford the luxury of a slow life. Must at least devote some time for self-reflection or “Me time”. This helps them ponder upon the day and self which could open up new possibilities and ideas that might help them to find your self -expression 

6.Spend some time in Creative endeavors 

Creativity is like a muscle. It needs regular practice and an open and receptive mind to experiment with your imagination. As Julia Cameron says in her book your artist’s brain is like a child and needs constant nurturing. 

7.Declutter your surrounding 

   Have you ever experienced a sense of light feeling after cleaning your external space? And all of sudden some ideas start popping in out of nowhere.

   I have personally experienced this sense of refreshing feeling many times. This has decluttered my mind instantly to open up for new ideas and possibilities.

   You can try it out for yourself by cleaning your working space area first.


Read Books

8.Read more Books 

   Reading fiction and nonfiction books has its benefits. But I feel both have the potential to help you unlock your creativity.

   Nonfiction books are filled with time-tested life experiences of various authors which exposes you to various techniques and knowledge.

   Fiction books build your imagination out of the box which might help you open up with your unique creative side which you never explored before. 

9.Spend time in Nature

   Spending time in Nature is not only a healing experience but there is so much you can learn and create from nature.

   The natural patterns, colors, textures or nature itself are pure creative expressions of the creator which can ignite your imagination with a fresh perspective inspired by nature. 

10.Embrace Limitations 

     Sometimes creativity is born out of limitations. When you are left with limited resources Your brain is forced to think of alternative creative ways to reborn the idea in different ways with limited options.

    This oftentimes has given birth to epic ideas in the history of mankind if you look back. Sometimes the problem comes in the form of a creative solution that instantly opens your creative portal with forced engagement. 


       Human beings have always been creative. Without this skill, we wouldn’t have evolved as a species. There are a variety of activities and techniques that can stimulate Human Creativity. All you have to do is make conscious efforts to either be creative or spiritual to unlock your wellspring of Human Creativity.

How did you unlock your Creative portal the last time?

Do you feel a deep connection between your Creative and Spiritual side? 

Do share your experiences and doubts

Would to happy to discuss

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