
Self Awareness & Self Realization (point no 2) Self growth initiatives & tips for Beginners.(Blog no 6)


You will never be able to plant the seed of self growth until you are self -aware of your strengths, weakness,your thought patterns, unconscious habits etc. Self awareness allows you to understand other people,how they perceive you and your responses to them.It helps you analysis the level of your relationships with every person around.

When we are busy with the rut of our life,we are too intellectually involved with day to day activities. And when we come back home we are exhausted,wanting to laze around in bed and watch some kind of entertainment,whatever makes you relax or refreshed. This way self awareness takes a back seat completely. Until some glitch takes place one day,which demands your attention and self awareness of your patterns & patterns of other person involved in it.When you think back on your own history of patterns,you start becoming self aware of your flaws, behavior & your personal traits.

Though this is also the right time for you to be conscious of awareness and start building it,why wait until such situation arises,you can get your self into the habit of getting self aware of urself right now. Just start self analyzing yourself on daily basis,just for few minutes mindfully. Because when we are not even aware of our own habits and behaviors ,then we no longer control them ,they start controlling us unconsciously.

Knowing and understand ing ourselves is the most powerful tool to living our best life we ever dreamt of. Improving our self awareness builds confidence to help us direct on our own life path.

So what are we waiting for ? Let’s start being self -aware mindfully, little by little on a daily basis by self analyzing ourselves and plunge into the unstoppable journey of self growth forever by sharpening your awareness skills.


The reason I mentioned self – awareness first is because unless you do a good study of who you are ,you will never be able to reach that level of self -realization ,unless through some rigorous spiritual practice .when you Google to find the meaning of self realization,you will find lot of meanings, mentioned in spiritual, philosophical and religious context.You have to decide which approach you would like to apply. Ultimately whichever approach you apply it will lead towards the same destination, which is recognizing the supreme self within us which is our real personality and nature of existence.

All this process,is eventually going to help you realize your inner true self ,of what you feel more inclined towards, finding that core passion,which only you and you are blessed with,which will invariably act like meditative force without meditating .That passion which you will never get bored of and keep doing it regardless of you earn through it or not. It’s the center of our inner true self ,what you are all about and your purpose in life. However tiniest it be ,not very compelling enough or may be not everyone’s type .You are born to serve that purpose. Unwrapping that gift ,refining, practicing and nurturing it to a level of Exellence is our sole Responsibility.

Self -awareness and Self – realization are two strong hands of self growth .The crown of self growth is inaccessible without their help.”

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