Personal Development

Self-limiting beliefs :Where do they come from and 5 effective ways to overcome them

         Self-Limiting beliefs come from a space where certain negative experiences or  any incident attached with a sense of dissatisfaction over a period of time turns into thick belief about yourself or even others .Which you tag as permanent and don’t take any action to Improvise it or look at it from another perspective thinking it’s not going to work.

      This chapter remains closed until either you develop a fresh perspective of those incidents or someone in your surrounding motivates or challenges you to change these beliefs. Sometimes even the environment is the culprit until you change the environment you are stuck in the same loop.

     For e.g 

    Since my childhood I never got opportunity to learn how computers or laptops worked or for that matter anything to do with technicalities. When I used to request for help each time, with the help offered I was also used to here the comments, about my limited understanding of technology. 

      This only reinforced the feelings of inadequacy ,strengthened my judgement about myself that I was lagging behind. Until my entire environment( Virtual) was changed  through Digital marketing internship I had completed recently, where I was forced to push my limits. My ability and new sense of maturity over the period of years helped me to finish all majority of the assignments with out any help.

      I also Believe few limiting beliefs are also ingrained in us through our genetics or in spiritual terms karmic foot print. However that I live upto you to think. Because I also believe we can reprogramme our subconscious mind if we keep focusing on our constant personal growth.

    As mentioned in my previous blog Its time to unwax your Limiting Beliefs the biggest challenge always remains identifying it and secondly your initiative to change your mindset or your perspective on your own will.

    The day you have figured out this you have won half battle with this silent monster lurking inside everyone.

  Once you identity the monster its time to implement all the tools and practices consistently to get rid of it once and for all. And very IMPORTANT don’t forget its a process and not a one night miracle. 

    You have collected these self limiting beliefs since your childhood .

 To loosen these thick roots you need to understand that it will take time ,patience and your constant efforts to keep identifying and implementing practices to destroy them. No matter how may times you fail keep your mindset open for possibilities always. Below are few practical and effortless tools and practices to implement which will help you regain your power back again with a new mindset filled with endless possibilities.

   5 Effective ways to overcome your limiting beliefs:  

1.Never judge yourself :

We all are humans with ‘Work in progress’. The capability of your performance will differ depending on your level of maturity ,chain of thoughts ,surrounding and your level of intellectual understanding at that point of time.

 If not now then try later but do not judge yourself or tag yourself as not good enough. Remember we humans are always work in progress no matter what our age is and what level of intellectual capability we acquire ,in the game of life we all are learners.

2.Self-analyzing your thoughts on a regular Basis:

         Whenever you shift your awareness on your thoughts and feelings regularly it becomes easier to self analyze these unconscious thoughts throughout the day. I am sure many times in your life you must have had some realization that you did something inappropriate. All of sudden you focus turns on that situation and you start analyzing that scenario.Why wait for your conscience to shook you in challenging situations ,instead shift your awareness consciously to your response and thoughts on a daily basis. Make it a habit of analyzing any normal event or situation where you were involved. Rethink the same scenario this time without judging yourself or others.

3. Practicing Affirmations :

Practicing Affirmations regularly will help you replace your negative thoughts into positive thoughts. Which will help you regularize your feelings over a period of time. The best timings to practice these affirmations are in morning once you wake up or before you go to bed. As your subconscious mind is most active and ready to absorb all the information passed by you. While you practice the affirmations its also important you feel the same feelings and visualize yourself acting upon it. This way you will be able to manifest it into reality soon. Remember you have to have self-belief in what you say or read out to make the affirmations work magically.

4. Consider taking help from a Life Coach:

Taking guidance from a life coach is not making yourself feel small, its understanding yourself more better then before from mentors perspective. Which is always non-judgmental unlike people in your surrounding. Signing up for a Personal development course can also serve as an alternative if you are not comfortable with 1:1 coaching. Or having a reliable accountability partner who will keep reminding you of your unconscious negative self talk regularly will also be of great help to keep the track of your patterns . Never underestimate the power of accountability partner, it may sound infringing in our privacy ,but trust me this works.

5. Change your surrounding :

It is rightly said that you are the sum total of the people around you. I have strongly started believing in this concept after I experienced this change in my life during my training period. The magical element here is when your surrounding is filled with so much of positivity and hope ,you are not left with any option ,but believing in your inner capabilities ,getting inspired of each other and constantly striving on improving your current standards. When you are elevated by this vibrant energy around you ,nothing can stop you from growing , be it your Self-limiting Beliefs. Because this magical pill expedites your growth and gives rebirth to your self-beliefs. 




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